The definition of dissertation
Dissertation is a kind of academic presentation which is submitted by students during their final year of course. It is a formal document that encapsulates the subject understanding of the student. Students are required to write dissertation in an independent manner. The faculty examines the dissertation to see that it fulfills all the criterion and guidelines laid out by the intuition. Dissertation should be original and it should explore the facts that have been narrated. Dissertations are different at different levels such as bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD level.
Because of the difficulty level and the exhaustive nature of the task, most students panic in the face of dissertation writing. Theessayhelp.com provides professional help in dissertation writing to students at all academic levels.
Tips for dissertation writing
Writing a dissertation is perhaps the toughest writing assignment for students. But it becomes easy if you follow these three simple tips.
1. Think
Immerse yourself in the subject and topic in depth. You should select a topic that you believe you can explain easily.
2. Research
Do as much research as possible to gain in depth understanding of the topic.
3. Plan
Plan the structure before starting. This planning will allow you to keep focus.
Complete guide to dissertation writing
A good quality dissertation can not only fetch high grades but also launch and shape the career of a student. You can easily understand the importance of dissertation with this fact. This guide has been designed to help you write a high quality, error free dissertation to impress your teachers.
In some places, dissertation is synonymous to thesis. It is a word that comes from Latin dissertation. It means path. Dissertation may be short or long but the objective and scope of dissertations remains the same.
Value of dissertation for a student
Dissertation is essential for students of humanities and social sciences during their PhD. This task has great academic importance and value according to the experts.
- It helps in making students more responsible towards the discipline they are studying
- It helps in developing intellectual abilities of students
- It makes students aware of their own strengths and abilities
Choosing the topic for dissertation
Many students start to tremble when they have to choose the topic for their dissertation. The topic should chosen depending upon one’s understanding and knowledge and the comfort level. Do not choose a very common topic.
Organizing dissertation module
Organization of module varies from one course to another, and also from one college to another. Writing help from Theessayhelp.com makes sure that your dissertation is according to your institution’s guidelines and the course.
Starting dissertation
Before starting your dissertation, it is important to find answers to many vague areas.
Do you know how to submit your dissertation proposal? You have to learn how to organize and prepare it. You have to develop the proposal following the guidelines given to you. Some of the most important elements making up your dissertation proposal are its title, intro, objectives, scope, and outline of chapters, resources, methodology, timetable, literature review, and references.
Choose a title that helps you to keep your focus on the subject. Make a temporary title to start your dissertation and change it as you go on to reflect the nature and objectives of your dissertation later on.
Introduction is the first chapter that the reader goes through to get an idea of what the dissertation is all about and what he can expect further. It should be exciting enough for the reader to go on to know what transpires next.
Your dissertation has certain objectives that should be amply clear to you all the time. These objectives should be specific and measurable and also realistic to be achieved in a given time frame.
There are many different methods of writing a dissertation that are either quantitative or qualitative in nature. The methodology you choose should be in accordance with the topic and your requirements. This method should reflect your scientific approach and it should be driven by your primary research.
Literature survey
This is an important part of the dissertation that puts together a list of significant studies that have been conducted by others on the same topic. It is also referred to as literature review. The real purpose of this review is to allow reader to know what others are thinking or saying about this topic.
Scope and constraints
The scope of any dissertation is huge and there is much to explore by the reader. However, it is bound by some limitations and the reader must be aware of the scope as well as these limitations and constraints.
It is a list of all the books, journals, and research papers that you have used to write this dissertation. It is necessary to convince the reader that what you are saying has a backing and it comes from an authentic source.
Time table
This time table is a schedule of time within which you complete your dissertation. Make a time table to devote certain time span to all the activities, including your social obligations. There should even be time allotted to revision. Follow the schedule religiously and you will be able to complete and submit your dissertation on time to your teacher.
There is very little difference between references and resources and the main purpose is to prevent plagiarism in the dissertation.
Cover page
This is the cover of your dissertation and seen first by a reader before he opens up to go to the first page. This cover page should attractive and it should give important details about your dissertation. These include your name, course, academic year, roll number, title of dissertation, and so on.
This section of dissertation allows you to express gratitude towards all those who have helped you in writing it. Include the names of your faculty, advisors, and all professors who have directly or indirectly helped you in writing this dissertation.
This is the concise description of your dissertation to help a reader get the central idea. It should not be more than a page and should serve the purpose of reflecting the nature of the dissertation.
Contents page
This page is like an index that tells the reader what he can get on what page of the dissertation.
List of figures and graphs
This list tells the reader on which pages he can find figures and illustrations.
Introduction is that page that signals the start of the main body of your dissertation. This is where you introduce the main idea, and the aims and objectives of your article to the reader. Your introduction should be interesting enough to convince the reader to read the entire dissertation.
Literature survey
This part of the main body comes in between the introduction and the methodology. You try to acquaint the reader with the work of other prominent people in the subject and topic that you have taken in your hands. This part gives you the chance to compare and analyze the views of various authors. You can also use literature survey to highlight studies that take your viewpoint forward.
Selection of methodology plays a crucial role in the success of a dissertation. If you choose a common methodology that has also been used by many other students, you may not get much credibility in the academic circles. Select a methodology that helps in answering the questions you have raised in your dissertation. Make attempt to explain why you have chosen this methodology so that it appears valid and logical to the readers.
You will find that this page is also referred to as findings in some dissertations. It is no doubt a very exciting and challenging page for the writer. As the name implies, it asks the author to list the results that he has arrived at.
- You have to list your results in a factual manner
- You have to present the information which is authentic and also error free
- Do not hesitate to incorporate data that does not support your research in the results page
- Explain the validity of your results on this page
This is a page in the main body of your dissertation where you discuss the results and analyze them in the light of your findings. This page gives you an opportunity to evaluate your approach, methodology, and the results. Divide this discussion into several subheadings to make it easier for the reader to understand your findings.
This is the page where you as an author make recommendations based upon your analysis and findings. Make sure these recommendations are not generic in nature but rather specific so as to reflect your skills as a writer to the reader. These recommendations help others who choose this topic in future.
Many students take this page of their dissertation lightly. But they must realize that it is this conclusion that gives them a chance to tell the reader how you achieved your goals. Conclusion contains a summary of your results, the importance of dissertation, the points you deduced from earlier studies, and a final paragraph to end the thesis.
Every student at college level is aware of the contents of this page. It contains all the references that you have used in the main body. Do not forget to give all information as well as the page number from the source that you have used in your dissertation.
This is the part of dissertation that contains everything which is important but could not find a place in the main body. It could be observation sheets, survey questionnaires, interview transcripts, and supplementary data.
How should your dissertation finally look like?
Now that you know everything about the contents of the dissertation from the title and the introduction till the appendices page, the format and layout of your dissertation should be clear to you. But it is not sufficient to know about the content, your dissertation should be in a presentable from for the readers. As far as font is concerned, different universities have their own preferences for the font and its size.
Title page contains the title and the information usually provided by the universities themselves. You can get this information from your advisor. Your dissertation should not only make for interesting reading but should also make it easy for the reader to access the information easily. For this, you should number the chapters and sections accordingly. Even the figures and illustrations should be properly numbered. For sub sections, it is advisable to use decimals such as 2.1, 2.2 and so on.
There is a page in between the title and the introduction which is called preamble. This page contains acknowledgement, contents, and the list of tables and contents. The thing to remember with preamble is that Roman numerals are used on it.
In the main body are all the pages between introduction and recommendation. You can use numerals for the main body. The last section of your dissertation is appendices where you have to use A1, A2, B1, B2 for numbering.
It has been mentioned earlier that fonts for dissertations are decided according t the requirements of the university. The most common fonts used for dissertation are Calibri, Times New Roman, and Trebuchet MS. Spacing between lines should be 1.5. Leave another line between paragraphs.
Margins are very important for dissertations. Left and margin is set at 3.2 cm while the margin for right hand side is 2.5 cm. Leave about 3.8 cm space at the top and the bottom of the page. The size of paper should be A4 and print only on one side of the paper. Bind the dissertation and make sure you have your university’s logo at the front and the back. You can bind it using a binding machine at your library or get it done from a professional binder. You may be asked to submit an additional soft copy by your professor so keep it ready. Make sure your dissertation is complete in all respects before submitting it to your professor.
The definition of dissertation
Dissertation is a kind of academic presentation which is submitted by students during their final year of course. It is a formal document that encapsulates the subject understanding of the student. Students are required to write dissertation in an independent manner. The faculty examines the dissertation to see that it fulfills all the criterion and guidelines laid out by the intuition. Dissertation should be original and it should explore the facts that have been narrated. Dissertations are different at different levels such as bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD level.
Because of the difficulty level and the exhaustive nature of the task, most students panic in the face of dissertation writing. Theessayhelp.com provides professional help in dissertation writing to students at all academic levels.
Tips for dissertation writing
Writing a dissertation is perhaps the toughest writing assignment for students. But it becomes easy if you follow these three simple tips.
1. Think
Immerse yourself in the subject and topic in depth. You should select a topic that you believe you can explain easily.
2. Research
Do as much research as possible to gain in depth understanding of the topic.
3. Plan
Plan the structure before starting. This planning will allow you to keep focus.
Complete guide to dissertation writing
A good quality dissertation can not only fetch high grades but also launch and shape the career of a student. You can easily understand the importance of dissertation with this fact. This guide has been designed to help you write a high quality, error free dissertation to impress your teachers.
In some places, dissertation is synonymous to thesis. It is a word that comes from Latin dissertation. It means path. Dissertation may be short or long but the objective and scope of dissertations remains the same.
Value of dissertation for a student
Dissertation is essential for students of humanities and social sciences during their PhD. This task has great academic importance and value according to the experts.
- It helps in making students more responsible towards the discipline they are studying
- It helps in developing intellectual abilities of students
- It makes students aware of their own strengths and abilities
Choosing the topic for dissertation
Many students start to tremble when they have to choose the topic for their dissertation. The topic should chosen depending upon one’s understanding and knowledge and the comfort level. Do not choose a very common topic.
Organizing dissertation module
Organization of module varies from one course to another, and also from one college to another. Writing help from Theessayhelp.com makes sure that your dissertation is according to your institution’s guidelines and the course.
Starting dissertation
Before starting your dissertation, it is important to find answers to many vague areas.
Do you know how to submit your dissertation proposal? You have to learn how to organize and prepare it. You have to develop the proposal following the guidelines given to you. Some of the most important elements making up your dissertation proposal are its title, intro, objectives, scope, and outline of chapters, resources, methodology, timetable, literature review, and references.
Choose a title that helps you to keep your focus on the subject. Make a temporary title to start your dissertation and change it as you go on to reflect the nature and objectives of your dissertation later on.
Introduction is the first chapter that the reader goes through to get an idea of what the dissertation is all about and what he can expect further. It should be exciting enough for the reader to go on to know what transpires next.
Your dissertation has certain objectives that should be amply clear to you all the time. These objectives should be specific and measurable and also realistic to be achieved in a given time frame.
There are many different methods of writing a dissertation that are either quantitative or qualitative in nature. The methodology you choose should be in accordance with the topic and your requirements. This method should reflect your scientific approach and it should be driven by your primary research.
Literature survey
This is an important part of the dissertation that puts together a list of significant studies that have been conducted by others on the same topic. It is also referred to as literature review. The real purpose of this review is to allow reader to know what others are thinking or saying about this topic.
Scope and constraints
The scope of any dissertation is huge and there is much to explore by the reader. However, it is bound by some limitations and the reader must be aware of the scope as well as these limitations and constraints.
It is a list of all the books, journals, and research papers that you have used to write this dissertation. It is necessary to convince the reader that what you are saying has a backing and it comes from an authentic source.
Time table
This time table is a schedule of time within which you complete your dissertation. Make a time table to devote certain time span to all the activities, including your social obligations. There should even be time allotted to revision. Follow the schedule religiously and you will be able to complete and submit your dissertation on time to your teacher.
There is very little difference between references and resources and the main purpose is to prevent plagiarism in the dissertation.
Cover page
This is the cover of your dissertation and seen first by a reader before he opens up to go to the first page. This cover page should attractive and it should give important details about your dissertation. These include your name, course, academic year, roll number, title of dissertation, and so on.
This section of dissertation allows you to express gratitude towards all those who have helped you in writing it. Include the names of your faculty, advisors, and all professors who have directly or indirectly helped you in writing this dissertation.
This is the concise description of your dissertation to help a reader get the central idea. It should not be more than a page and should serve the purpose of reflecting the nature of the dissertation.
Contents page
This page is like an index that tells the reader what he can get on what page of the dissertation.
List of figures and graphs
This list tells the reader on which pages he can find figures and illustrations.
Introduction is that page that signals the start of the main body of your dissertation. This is where you introduce the main idea, and the aims and objectives of your article to the reader. Your introduction should be interesting enough to convince the reader to read the entire dissertation.
Literature survey
This part of the main body comes in between the introduction and the methodology. You try to acquaint the reader with the work of other prominent people in the subject and topic that you have taken in your hands. This part gives you the chance to compare and analyze the views of various authors. You can also use literature survey to highlight studies that take your viewpoint forward.
Selection of methodology plays a crucial role in the success of a dissertation. If you choose a common methodology that has also been used by many other students, you may not get much credibility in the academic circles. Select a methodology that helps in answering the questions you have raised in your dissertation. Make attempt to explain why you have chosen this methodology so that it appears valid and logical to the readers.
You will find that this page is also referred to as findings in some dissertations. It is no doubt a very exciting and challenging page for the writer. As the name implies, it asks the author to list the results that he has arrived at.
- You have to list your results in a factual manner
- You have to present the information which is authentic and also error free
- Do not hesitate to incorporate data that does not support your research in the results page
- Explain the validity of your results on this page
This is a page in the main body of your dissertation where you discuss the results and analyze them in the light of your findings. This page gives you an opportunity to evaluate your approach, methodology, and the results. Divide this discussion into several subheadings to make it easier for the reader to understand your findings.
This is the page where you as an author make recommendations based upon your analysis and findings. Make sure these recommendations are not generic in nature but rather specific so as to reflect your skills as a writer to the reader. These recommendations help others who choose this topic in future.
Many students take this page of their dissertation lightly. But they must realize that it is this conclusion that gives them a chance to tell the reader how you achieved your goals. Conclusion contains a summary of your results, the importance of dissertation, the points you deduced from earlier studies, and a final paragraph to end the thesis.
Every student at college level is aware of the contents of this page. It contains all the references that you have used in the main body. Do not forget to give all information as well as the page number from the source that you have used in your dissertation.
This is the part of dissertation that contains everything which is important but could not find a place in the main body. It could be observation sheets, survey questionnaires, interview transcripts, and supplementary data.
How should your dissertation finally look like?
Now that you know everything about the contents of the dissertation from the title and the introduction till the appendices page, the format and layout of your dissertation should be clear to you. But it is not sufficient to know about the content, your dissertation should be in a presentable from for the readers. As far as font is concerned, different universities have their own preferences for the font and its size.
Title page contains the title and the information usually provided by the universities themselves. You can get this information from your advisor. Your dissertation should not only make for interesting reading but should also make it easy for the reader to access the information easily. For this, you should number the chapters and sections accordingly. Even the figures and illustrations should be properly numbered. For sub sections, it is advisable to use decimals such as 2.1, 2.2 and so on.
There is a page in between the title and the introduction which is called preamble. This page contains acknowledgement, contents, and the list of tables and contents. The thing to remember with preamble is that Roman numerals are used on it.
In the main body are all the pages between introduction and recommendation. You can use numerals for the main body. The last section of your dissertation is appendices where you have to use A1, A2, B1, B2 for numbering.
It has been mentioned earlier that fonts for dissertations are decided according t the requirements of the university. The most common fonts used for dissertation are Calibri, Times New Roman, and Trebuchet MS. Spacing between lines should be 1.5. Leave another line between paragraphs.
Margins are very important for dissertations. Left and margin is set at 3.2 cm while the margin for right hand side is 2.5 cm. Leave about 3.8 cm space at the top and the bottom of the page. The size of paper should be A4 and print only on one side of the paper. Bind the dissertation and make sure you have your university’s logo at the front and the back. You can bind it using a binding machine at your library or get it done from a professional binder. You may be asked to submit an additional soft copy by your professor so keep it ready. Make sure your dissertation is complete in all respects before submitting it to your professor.